Thursday, January 28, 2016

Don't Conform. Be transformed!

10 days ago, I returned from a mission trip to Haiti. We were in Leogane, very close to the epicenter of the earthquake that hit in 2010. That was followed by a strong hurricane. The country was poor to begin with. Today, the people have a difficult time surviving. Many live in damaged homes with canvas- on-a-stick roofs. The image remains vividly I my mind of 4 small, pitiful, empty fish ( it looked like the meat had already been eaten) being fried over an outdoor fire. It was the day's meal for about 8 people. They lived in a canvas tent. When we asked how we could pray for them, they asked us to pray that they could have a home to live in. Did you hear that? A home. Any home!

We have so much! We say, "I need new shoes. I need new clothes. I need...I need...I need."  Most people reading this blog don't know what true need is!

On my trip, I met a young woman, a college student, who is seeking the Lord's will for her life. She has just written her first blogpost, which is about what she learned from the trip to Haiti. I would like to share that with you.

( I don't know if I can create a link but, if not, please copy and paste the address into your browser so you can read her blogpost!)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Preparation and Prayer for Missions

During the last couple of months, I have discovered the book JESUS CALLING. It is an amazing devotion book that has facilitated my time with Jesus each day. My husband and I have seen the movie WAR ROOM three times already! Prayer or, more specifically, doing battle in prayer has moved to the forefront of my life. There are certain battles I have been praying about for a while, even years, but I wasn't fighting. I saw them as "issues", not battles. I now realize every issue truly is a battle in the heavenly realms and I must be more diligent to fight those battles in prayer.

The Lord has been teaching me this principle at this time for a reason. I have been charged with the responsibility of teaching women in Haiti while their children attend Bible club. I have asked the Lord to show me what to say; what they need to hear. This is it! We must realize that Satan is real and that he wants to wreak havok in our lives. He wants to steal our joy! It is our responsibility to fight back in prayer and trust God to fight for us. He is the victor!

So, for the next couple of days I will be praying and preparing. We leave next week! Would you please pray for me and for the women who will attend?
      Pray for - me, as I prepare
                     - the person who will translate
                     - the Haitian women, that  
                       nothing will keep them away.
                     - hearts to be open to the
                       gospel message
                     - Satan to be bound & tossed!
                     - the whole mission team, as
                       we evangelize, teach children
                       and lead in worship.
                     - safety & health.
                     - all luggage to arrive with us
                       and unharmed.

I say "Thank you", in advance,
          for your prayers!