In the last two weeks, I have been out of town four times, been to church six times, prepared a lesson on missions for the children, put together two photo slideshows for presentations and I've dug up a flower bed! That's only the highlights. Life is busy. Life is jam-packed full of "stuff I HAVE to get done."
I stay tired. How about you? What are you doing in this life that takes up your time?
2 Peter 1:3-12 | CEV
3 We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God's own power, when we learned he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness.
4 God made great and marvelous promises, so his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.
5 Do your best to improve your faith by adding goodness, understanding,
6 self-control, patience, devotion to God,
7 concern for others, and love.
8 If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made your lives useful and meaningful.
9 But if you don't grow, you are like someone who is nearsighted or blind, and you have forgotten that your past sins are forgiven.
10 My friends, you must do all you can to show God has really chosen and selected you. If you keep on doing this, you won't stumble and fall.
11 Then our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into his kingdom that will last forever.
12 You are holding firmly to the truth you were given. But I am still going to remind you of these things.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "If you're not moving forward, you're going backward"? I think that's what verse 9 is really saying. It is important for us to continually grow in our faith.
So you may be thinking that your day is already full and your cup of life is already running over. How are you supposed to find the time? Well, that is something I have been asking myself for years! Little by little, the Lord has shown me ways to grow in Him. Let me share just a few of these with you.
* In the morning, either before you get out of bed, or while you're in the shower or getting ready to face the day, say a prayer. Ask the Lord to speak to you and teach you and use you that day. Ask Him to let you see people through His eyes and motivate you to do something small to brighten someone's day.
* If you exercise, you can read your Bible, pray or listen to Christian music while you get fit. ( I am writing this blog while riding my recumbent bike!)
* As you're driving down the road, listen to a Christian radio station or some other source of Christian music. This really keeps me focused on Christ and on listening for God's voice as He speaks to me through a song or a word from someone on the radio. (There's nothing wrong with other kinds of music. I like just about all of them! BUT, you don't need a steady diet of them. It is highly unlikely that you will hear God's voice while listening to "She thinks my tractor's sexy!")
* As you are stuck in traffic, waiting at a light or waiting in line at the store, instead of getting frustrated and being vocal about it (I've been that person more than once!), pray silently for the people around you! If you must be vocal, be an encourager! Say something others may want to hear. If you can, allow that person who's really wound up tight to go in front of you in line!
These are only a few things you can do. I'm sure you can think of other ways you can connect with Jesus during your day. The MOST IMPORTANT things are prayer and reading God's Word. You may think you don't have time to read the Bible every day. Not true. If you have a smart phone or email, you can have scriptures sent to you. How easy is that???? If you aren't into technology, you can get a devotional booklet for free at many Baptist churches or you can just open your Bible and read a few verses before turning on the television or even before bed. It doesn't have to be a LOT, but you need to include prayer and Bible reading each day.
Personally, I don't EVER want to be moving backward because that means I would be moving further away from God. I want to be growing closer to Him and becoming more like Him every day.
Nuttin but the TRUTH